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Articles on What Is A Foreclosure from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
What to Really Expect When Buying A Bank Owned Property
In recent years, most new buyers wanted to buy a new home from a homebuilder. Today, nearly every buyer I pre-qualify today says the same thing. ?I want to buy a bank-owned property.? In some counties around the country, foreclosures are at all-time highs. As a result, in today's market, the best ...
National Expert Exposes Everything, Free And Easy Tips On How To Understand The Truth Of Foreclosure
Free and Easy Foreclosure Tips. Know the Real Truth about Foreclosures and what the lenders do not want you to know. A nationally renowned expert spills his guts and exposes what has been a closely guarded secret for far too long, and he reveals the honest truth of successfully beating the lenders ...
Foreclosures- The Latest Stop on the NAFTA Superhighway to the Nearest Halliburton Detention Center
With foreclosure season just getting underway in the economy as the housing bubble has begun its unsurprising collapse, it bears some thinking about the current state of the middle class of America, which has been the hardest hit by the drops in housing values. Record foreclosure rates, a record ...
California Home Equity Sales Contract Act - A Mine Field for the Unprepared!
When I first got started in the real estate investing business in 2006, the avalanche of foreclosures was just beginning. Before attempting my first short sale here in Southern California, I discovered I needed to comply with Civil Code Section 1695 by using a very particular type of purchase and ...
Moving After Foreclosure and Taking Appliances
Most homeowners facing the loss of their homes seek out any option possible to avoid foreclosure and start recovering financially. While many are able to save their homes, there are also a large number that, for whatever reason, decide that moving out and moving on is the best solution. The more ...
What is a Short Sale?
Since the real estate market turned for the worst, a lot of Borrowers have found themselves in a position where they owe more than their home is worth. As long as you don't need to sell your home and as long as you can afford the payments, your best bet it to sit tight and do nothing. Eventually ...
Foreclosure Secrets Revealed - Six Secrets You Absolutely Must Know About Foreclosures
Legal Disclaimer: Author is a licensed real estate agent and is not an attorney. This information is not intended as any form of legal advice. You should always seek the advice of competent licensed professionals. I have talked with or helped hundreds of families who have gone through foreclosure ...
Foreclosure Help - Starts With You!
Feeling helpless is one of many feelings that you will experience when you get the first notice that your lender is positioning itself to foreclosure on your home, but you don't have to panic. There are things you can do prior to and during the foreclosure proceedings to convince the bank to let ...
Investing in Foreclosures - Your Key to High Profit Deals!
You've no doubt heard all the buzz on TV and the radio about the national foreclosure rate growing at alarming rates. The reasons for the recent increase of foreclosures are numerous and the subject of debate between economists, the Treasury Department and the lending industry. The good news is ...
What to Offer for HUD Foreclosures?
You have found your dream home and it is a HUD foreclosures. You have done a walk-through of the HUD house and it seems to be in good shape, just a few minor repairs. Unfortunately, you have already made a major mistake. Your real estate agent, who is your uncle, has never sold a HUD home ...